White Haven, PA – One thing we pride ourselves in is our charity, either through; marketing support, donations and volunteering. 2020 we doubled down on our efforts because it was needed, this year was no different. We have calculated it out over the last 3 years of donating roughly 5% of our net profits equals out to about $1 per bike rental which is pretty cool it works out that way!
We are also happy to add the Mary Beth Chacko Golf Tournament to the list of charitable causes we supported this summer. The Latoff MS Foundation Annual Golf Tournament was a huge success this year as well, our second year supporting them. As well this year we came together with St. Vincent De Paul Soup Kitchen again to sponsor a week’s worth of meals. More to come on that front as well.
Latoff Foundation President and Founder David Latoff says; “It’s great that the tournament is being held in it’s annual place at the Sand Springs Country Club in Drums, PA, and we are once again happy Pocono Bike Rental can support it.” For more information please goto: http://latoffmsfoundation.org/

Pocono Bike Rental is again sponsoring the turn hole #10 and the T-Shirt to help in this valuable and necessary cause. We help support them to get more awareness to this great foundation helping the Greater Hazleton Area citizens affected by MS. We also got to know some of the key members of the foundation and the tournament volunteers when we helped bag up the player packs with their goodies!
The Latoff MS Foundation is the brainchild of David Latoff, along with several volunteers who strongly believe in the mission of this organization which is to provide assistance to members of the local community that are suffering with MS. David Latoff was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis when he was a 19-year-old college student and athlete. He was able to pursue his career goals of teaching school and coaching football for over 10 years before the negative effects of multiple sclerosis became too great of a challenge. Even though David was unable to continue his beloved duties of teaching and coaching he still maintains a strong desire to be of service to others within the community. David and other members of the Latoff MS Foundation are passionate in their desire to provide members of the community that are suffering with MS the tools they need for everyday life struggles.

Tom Williams, owner of Pocono Bike Rental stated, “This year it was easy for us to support the St. Vincent De Paul soup kitchen again and build on the relationship we already had with them. They just reopened this week (July 5th) after over a year of being closed to the public and were only serving take out meals which cost a fortune to provide. So they really need our help to bounce back to normal.”
The “Soup Kitchen” operates every day of the year and is staffed almost entirely by volunteers. It has a free food pantry and clothing bank. Donations of money from businesses like Pocono Bike Rental go to fund their nearly $500,000 annual cost of operations. Mike Cianciotta, Program Director of the Kitchen states, “We thank businesses like Tom’s to now help offset our higher costs such as to-go containers and other safety measures we had and still have to use due to Covid-19 protocols.”

The Mary Beth Chacko Memorial golf tournament at Irem Country Club. with proceeds donated to the Lupus Foundation of PA in memory of Mary Beth Chacko. Tom Williams, Pocono Bike Rental owner states; “We were happy they asked us to be a hole sponsor. We picked the turn hole #10 as we like to do. Hopefully we can make a small difference in some folks lives that weren’t dealt a fair hand.” “Thank you again so much, even though the last few holes got rained out it was a great success” stated Kara Hodorowski, Marketing/Events Manager Chacko’s Family Bowling Center.

Tom Williams adds, “There is no “medical cure” for these charitable causes, whether it’s a disease, homelessness, low income, or helping a food bank, soup kitchen, youth foundation or Habitat for Humanity in South America, these charities have our attention and support, because we can and we should. “ For more information about the Mary Beth Chacko Charity Golf Tournament and how to support it please go to: https://www.facebook.com/chackosbowling/